Cookie Policy

This page refers to our Cookie policy. For more information about how we manage your personal data, please visit the Privacy Policy.

What are COOKIES?
A cookie is a collection of data that a computer receives from a site and sends it back to the site it visits. So with cookies, websites can record the traces and activities of visitors.

Why do we use COOKIES?
We use cookies to make our site easier to use, and to learn how visitors interact with our content. Cookies help improve your experience when visiting our site.

Agree to use COOKIES
When you visit our site, a window will appear regarding the placement of cookies and a short message regarding the cookie policy. By clicking “I understand” means you have accepted the Cookie policy and can continue browsing, you can also change Cookie preferences by clicking “Change Preferences”. If you feel like rejecting Cookies, you can set them through preferences. You can still visit our site but some functions are not working properly.

Click to enable/disable custom content.

Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking code.

Click to enable/disable Google Fonts.

Click to enable/disable video embedding.

Saat Anda mengunjungi situs website kami, situs tersebut dapat menyimpan informasi melalui browser Anda dari layanan tertentu, biasanya dalam bentuk cookie. Di sini Anda dapat mengubah preferensi Privasi Anda. Perlu dicatat bahwa memblokir beberapa jenis cookie dapat mempengaruhi pengalaman Anda di situs web kami dan layanan yang dapat kami tawarkan.

Klik untuk mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan kode pelacakan Google Analytics. [movedo_privacy_tracking]

Klik untuk mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan Google Font.

Click to enable/disable Google Fonts.

Klik untuk mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan penyematan video.

Click to enable/disable video embeds.

Situs web kami menggunakan cookie, terutama dari layanan pihak ketiga. Tentukan Preferensi Privasi Anda dan/atau setujui penggunaan cookie kami.